A Campari Hot Apple Toddy is a warm and comforting drink. It’s made with hot apple cider, a splash of Campari, lemon, and a bit of spice. This cocktail is perfect for a chilly evening or when you want a cozy and fruity drink. The Campari adds a nice twist, giving it a little bitterness and depth of flavor. If you’re looking for something different to warm you up and lift your spirits, the Campari Hot Apple Toddy is a great choice.

campari hot apple toddy

how to make a cranberry mule


  • 1 ½ oz bourbon 
  • ½ oz Campari 
  • ½ fresh lemon, juiced
  • 4 – 6 oz hot spiced apple cider
  • ¼ oz maple syrup


In a hot toddy mug, combine all ingredients and stir. Garnish with an apple slice and cinnamon stick.  Cin Cin!

campari hot apple toddy

Campari in a hot toddy?

Adding Campari to a hot toddy is a good choice because it introduces a complex and bittersweet flavor that balances the sweetness of the toddy. This infusion of bitterness adds depth and character to the drink, creating a more intriguing and satisfying flavor profile. It also brings a touch of sophistication to the classic hot toddy, making it a unique and delightful choice for those who appreciate a twist on a traditional favorite.

campari hot apple toddy

Bourbon, Rye, or Whiskey in the Campari Hot Apple Toddy?

When deciding between bourbon, rye whiskey, or whiskey for your cocktail, take into account your flavor preferences and the particular cocktail you intend to craft. While we often favor rye for most fall and winter beverages, for this drink, we opted for a smoother option, bourbon, as it harmonizes well with the bitter Campari component. To guide your selection, here are some helpful pointers.

  1. Bourbon is known for its rich, sweet, and mellow flavor, making it an excellent choice for cocktails that benefit from a touch of sweetness, such as Old Fashioneds or Mint Juleps.
  2. Rye whiskey offers a spicier and more robust profile, making it perfect for cocktails like the Manhattan or Sazerac, where you want a bolder and peppery kick.
  3. Whiskey, in a general sense, is a versatile option that works well in a wide range of cocktails. It provides a balanced, middle-of-the-road flavor profile that can be adapted to different recipes.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your cocktail’s specific requirements and your own taste preferences. Experiment with different types of whiskey to find the perfect match for your desired drink.

campari hot apple toddy


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We are Elise and Evan and we're so glad you are here! Cheffing up tasty bites and sips is our love language and we are very happy to share these recipes with you. We both have valuable restaurant experience and have learned a thing or two about making tasty bites and sips. Through Carnelian Cooks we are sharing all of our tips and tricks! Please provide a comment or feedback below on any recipes that you give a try. 

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